by Mario Raia | Jun 23, 2016 | Blog
Excuse me for being obvious. If you ride a rocking horse long enough, you’ll end up creating a rut from repeating the same motion over and over. In other words, things that don’t change stay the same. And over time, inertia makes it more and more difficult...
by Mario Raia | Jun 9, 2016 | Blog
Five Frogs Are Sitting On A Log… “Five frogs are sitting on a log. Four decide to jump off. How many are left? Five, because deciding is different than doing.” What is the meaning of this riddle? Allow me to state the obvious. Just because four...
by Mario Raia | May 12, 2016 | Blog, Uncategorized
Do People Really Resist Change? People resist change. I hear this constantly. Quite frankly, I don’t believe it. If I offered to give you $5 million would that change your life? Would you resist that change? Under the right circumstances, people actually...
by Mario Raia | Apr 28, 2016 | Blog, Uncategorized
I can’t get everything done… Yes, you’ve felt this, and heard it from others many times. Why is this a recurring theme? As you and your organization grow, you and your systems must grow as well. The organization you have right now cannot survive in...
by Mario Raia | Mar 31, 2016 | Blog, Uncategorized
I Don’t Get No Respect… Do you remember the comedian Rodney Dangerfield? That was his signature line. “I tell you, I don’t get no respect. When I was born, I was so ugly the doctor took one look at me and slapped my mother.” Do...
by Mario Raia | Mar 17, 2016 | Blog, Uncategorized
I’ll Make Them An Offer They Can’t Refuse… One look at my name and you’ll know that I have an Italian background. You should also know that I’m from Chicago, and yes, I really do have an Uncle Vito. So I speak with some authority when...